Thursday 25 October 2018

WALT: Based on how you round numbers

For the first block my class & I did a DLO how you round large numbers. This slide will tell you how you round large numbers. I found this easy. to learn because it was quite easy to learn step by step.

Thursday 18 October 2018

WALT: Round large numbers & decimals

Today in the first block my class and I did round large numbers & decimals. I understood some of the questions but not all but either than that I did good. I found this task easy/hard but it's alright. I explained how to round decimals and large numbers & I did examples as well to make yous understand what was I doing.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

WALT:understand the structure of a paragraph

Yesterday my class & I did an activity after lunch about cockroach & brains. Our teacher handed out papers that you will have to put in paragraphs and that will make sense. The paragraphs were mostly about cockroach what they are like & some of the sentences were just about brains or stomach. We learnt how you write a paragraph in order. It goes topic,elaborate and ending these are the things you will need in a writing or essay. The topic will have to hook the reader & will have at least 3 paragraphs. Your elaborate will have at least 4 or more paragraphs and your ending will restate the topic again.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Astria – Countdown to Impact

A teacher in another school has recently blogged that:
“Students don’t learn much playing this game called Astria – Countdown to Impact: Their time could be better spent doing other things".
I partly agree and I partly disagree. I partly agree because other kids can use their time doing other things like practicing their reading skills and their vocabulary just like that new word right there "Schematic" that's a word that I just learned today. I partly disagree because this game helps us a lot with our vocabulary and it can make our reading skills a bit higher. This game is also about Solar systems that I don't really know about it but hey it's just my first time playing this.This is confusing I didn't really get this game so my partner did most of the work.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Teacher strike infographic

WALT: create an infographic to show our understanding 

 Yesterday we (Peleti and I) created an infographic about the teacher's strike. using the frequency excel sheet that the different groups in our class made weeks ago. collected from survey that we sent to teachers to answer. we collect all different types of answers. from a wide range of variety different perspectives.

It concludes that
-  9/10 of teachers want to encourage students should attend the strike
- 1/10 of people have no money to spend
- more than 100 teachers spend between $100-$499 on supplies
and more click on the link to get a better view - HERE!

we rate ourselves our 4 out of 5 because we both contributed. but some bits were confusing 

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Persuasive Language in Speeches

WALT:Identify persuasive language in a text. 

Today I have created a DLO based on Persuasive language feature in speeches. This contains FORREST and the other important language features eg: Inclusive Language, Expert Opinion, Hyperbole, Simile/ Metaphor and Anecdote. 

Monday 20 August 2018

Double exposure

So 3 weeks ago my class and I did double exposure. First I took a photo of myself then we had to make the picture black and white. Next I had to put the brightness and contrast a bit darker so that the photo I'm gonna add will be over lay or lighten, so you see it through the photo. That's how you do it, The app is pixlr.