Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Name:     Sita                                                                    11 April 2016

Write a story about “A kitten who suddenly got super powers and used it to help the children of Glen Innes School”.

Planning for Writing

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Cole is a super man he knows how to fly like a superhero.

Cole was a supercat he knew his name very well his name was Cole he was a very good boy.
He knew his name he was clever if we say sit then it will sit he will
Listen to you.If we call his name he will run up to you and lick you.

One day he was at his cage and he was sleeping inside it,it was nice and warm it was the kind
Of home for him to fit and to get warm.he was a nic cat that wanted to fly like a superhero
He was nice and kind to other people.He loved the kids that came over to him and he
Was never mean to them.

Next day he was very grown up he ate a lot Cole was a boy that wanted to eat and play a lot.
When we came and checked on him he was licking us jumping on us and we were like
You grow so fast Cole.But when he was growing big he knew where to do his stuffs and
That where and where not to do it.He loved us as much he knew us he also loved him.

We were a happy family that love the Cole the supercat.


jolie said...

Nice story your supercats name Cole is a very clever name.

jolie said...

Nice story Sita your supercats ( Cole ) is very clever

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