Hurry up “ said Jolie the taxi will be here any minute.”
We have to go to school before it’s 9.00 and we are going to be late”.
So when jolie said hurry up i worked up brush my teeth wash my face got into the shower had a shower wet my hair got into my school uniform got my shoes and tied up my hair then got inside the taxi.
So jolie asked can we stop at the point england shop and get us lunch.
and we got of and bought our lunch so we
went on and bought our lunch but i went to the shop and jolie went to the takeaway and by her lunch from there so we finish buying our lunch then the taxi got us to school early.
So i said we got here early and you said it’s nearly 9.00
so we went and told mr.shaun what’s the time and mr.shaun said it is 7.55 so jolie said the time at home is wrong so i said we should go and play gada” then jolie said ahh we should”.
so i said we should play gada so when we went to the junior there were people coming to school into the hall having breakfast then i saw one of my friend rangi coming into breakfast then i went and joined her having breakfast then i told her do you want to play gada with me and jolie”.
So rangi said yes so she was next so i won and it was rangi’s turn then i saw mya and i said hi mya”. Then i said you wanna play with us’ so she said yes”.
So we played then we got board at the junior so we went to the senior and played gada so when we went to the senior the bell ring so we have to go to class.
When we got to class we had to do fitness and our fitness was skipping and jazire has to tell us
to do what mr koloclowen told us so we did it but then some people made us go back to class.
So we had to go back and do our maths and we had to do the new worksheet then we have to go to our netbooks and do our reflection when i finished we had free time.
Then the bell ring for morning tea and i still played then mr came and said when the bell rang we have to get out then when the bell rang i went and got some food and went with it outside.
I didn't read it sorry
I'm sorry for that i can read when i'm ready
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