I am a Year 8 student at Glen Innes School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in room 6 and my teacher is Miss Donaldson.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
WALT: Based on how you round numbers
For the first block my class & I did a DLO how you round large numbers. This slide will tell you how you round large numbers. I found this easy. to learn because it was quite easy to learn step by step.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
WALT: Round large numbers & decimals
Today in the first block my class and I did round large numbers & decimals. I understood some of the questions but not all but either than that I did good. I found this task easy/hard but it's alright. I explained how to round decimals and large numbers & I did examples as well to make yous understand what was I doing.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
WALT:understand the structure of a paragraph
Yesterday my class & I did an activity after lunch about cockroach & brains. Our teacher handed out papers that you will have to put in paragraphs and that will make sense. The paragraphs were mostly about cockroach what they are like & some of the sentences were just about brains or stomach. We learnt how you write a paragraph in order. It goes topic,elaborate and ending these are the things you will need in a writing or essay. The topic will have to hook the reader & will have at least 3 paragraphs. Your elaborate will have at least 4 or more paragraphs and your ending will restate the topic again.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Astria – Countdown to Impact
A teacher in another school has recently blogged that:
“Students don’t learn much playing this game called Astria – Countdown to Impact: Their time could be better spent doing other things".
I partly agree and I partly disagree. I partly agree because other kids can use their time doing other things like practicing their reading skills and their vocabulary just like that new word right there "Schematic" that's a word that I just learned today. I partly disagree because this game helps us a lot with our vocabulary and it can make our reading skills a bit higher. This game is also about Solar systems that I don't really know about it but hey it's just my first time playing this.This is confusing I didn't really get this game so my partner did most of the work.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Teacher strike infographic
Yesterday we (Peleti and I) created an infographic about the teacher's strike. using the frequency excel sheet that the different groups in our class made weeks ago. collected from survey that we sent to teachers to answer. we collect all different types of answers. from a wide range of variety different perspectives.
It concludes that
- 9/10 of teachers want to encourage students should attend the strike
- 1/10 of people have no money to spend
- more than 100 teachers spend between $100-$499 on supplies
and more click on the link to get a better view - HERE!
we rate ourselves our 4 out of 5 because we both contributed. but some bits were confusing
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Persuasive Language in Speeches
WALT:Identify persuasive language in a text.
Today I have created a DLO based on Persuasive language feature in speeches. This contains FORREST and the other important language features eg: Inclusive Language, Expert Opinion, Hyperbole, Simile/ Metaphor and Anecdote.
Monday, 20 August 2018
Double exposure
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Why are New Zealand teachers striking?
Today my partner and I made a DLO about why New Zealand teachers striking. We support them 100% with their choice to do a strike because they know what's best for us students and how they can make teaching easier. If you have any questions please don't be afraid to comment below.
Thursday, 26 July 2018
WALT: Understand how to use FORREST to persuade.
Today I created a DLO based on FORREST. FORREST stands for...
- F - Facts
- O - Opinion
- R - Rhetorical question
- R - Repetition
- E - Emotive language
- S - Statistics
- T - Three groups
Ifaketext - Should parents banned fortnite?
Today my class and I did Forrest for writing.
F: Facts
O: Opinion
R: Rhetorical questions
E:Emotive langauge
T: Three(groups of)
We had to create a fake text using ifaketext we had to create our own chat with someone. I talked about should parents banned fortnite.
If you wanna take a better look click HERE!!!
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Collabrotaive problem solving.
Today my class and I did Collabrotaive problem solving for maths today. I solved this problem by using Multiplication & Subtraction. I found this easy because I just had to find how many animals are inside the pond.
Sunday, 17 June 2018
Animal health.
Today in technology we did a logo that shows what we can do to help that company. My one was Spca but I can't copy the name I had to make one up so I did Animal health. I can help the animal health by making donations to the charity box.
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
DLO - Factorising & Bedmas
Today for the first block Jolie and I did what is factorising & Bedmas. I found this easy bcause i've already learnt this and it was easy too.
DLO - Collaborative Mystery Solving
Today my class and I did collaborative mystery solving. We had to get in 3 groups or 2 we had to read it first. Then we find which ones are the innocent ones and the guilty. I found easy because for me it was easy to tell which one is guilty and which is not guilty.
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
Why people vist New Zealand?
Today we started our inquiry topic for this term. This terms topic in tourism in New Zealand. For this activity we had to come up with ideas for reasons why tourists some to New Zealand. Not only that we also had to group them into categories
Sunday, 29 April 2018
Today for maths my class and I did prototec my results was 90% on stage 7 on timed. I can improve by learning more.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Figurative language
Thursday, 5 April 2018
WALT: Collaborative mystery solving
Today my class and I did collaborative mystery solving for the second block but we did this in the morning but we created a DLO. I found this easy because it was easy to know which one was quality. How well i collaborated? 5 because it was easy. Feel free to comment and thank you for visting my blog. Take a closer look click right here HERE
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
Adding and Subtracting Integers
Today for maths my friends and I did a subtraction and addition game about integers. We found this task very easy because as we are on the mat with Miss Donaldson we were able to understand clearly what she was teaching us and how to do the strategy. If you would like to play the game here is the link
GAME. If you have any questions please don't be scared to comment down below.
Tuesday, 3 April 2018
Today in room 6 we did prototec for the first block. My results was 90% on stage 7 timed. I found this easy but also i need to know some of my divisions.I can improve by learning more!!!
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Bedmas Hundread millionaire
For maths my group and I did Bedmas Hundred Millionaire. I found this easy because I just guessed the answers and I got it right.
Today my class and I did prototec for the first block. I did stage 7 on timed and my score was 80%. I found this kinda easy and hard because some of equations were difficult to solve. I can improve by learning more!!!! Next time I will try my best to score 100% on stage 7...
Monday, 26 March 2018
Collaborative problem solving
Today my class and I did collaborative problem solving. We had to partner up but it's only if you wanted so I did this with my friend Mya. I found this easy because the equation was easy and how I explained it.
If you wanna take a closer look click here HERE
Thursday, 22 March 2018
Writing Quiz
Today my class and I did a task for the first block. We did writing quizzes I found this hard because this was my first time doing this task. I can improve by doing more writing quiz.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
My Global Audience
Today I have done a infographic about my blog. My infographic has three things and that is country's from all around the world, my top best three for what I was writing about and how much people has been on my blogger. These are the three thing that are on my blog history.My Infographic was pretty easy. My top post is infographic Global Audience.
Thursday, 8 March 2018
Collaborative Mystery Solving
Today my class and I did collaborative mystery solving. I found this easy and kinda hard because it was hard to find who was guilty and who was innocent. I can improve by understanding more words.
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
Prototec 05/03/18
Today for the first block I did prototec for maths. I got 75% on stage 7 on timed.I found this easy because it is easy. I can improve by learning my fractions and percentages.
Sunday, 4 March 2018
WALT: Collaborative problem solving
Today Sarah and I did collaborative problem solving for the first block for maths. I found this easy and simple. If you wana take a closer look here. -------------> HERE!!
Thursday, 1 March 2018
Simple and Compound quiz
Today for the morning block my class and I had to do simple and compound sentences quiz. I got 100% for my results. I found this easy because the sentences were very easy.
Tuesday, 27 February 2018
Rags to riches
Today for the middle block my group and I did a inference game. We did pretty well, as you can see we did complete it and won $1,000,00, however not in real life. All you have to do is answer 15 questions and every right answer you get the more money you get, but if you get it wrong then you have to start all over again with $200. My group and I really found this hard because we had to start again a lot of times but we did it and will improve more next time
Subtracting with tenths
Today group 4 and I did subtracting with tenths. I found this easy because it was easy numbers and we could solve it. I can improve by learning more.
Prototec 28/02/18
Today my class and I did prototec. I got 91% on stage 7 and it was on timed. I found this kinda hard and my score is to get 100%. I have to improve by knowing some of my fractions and percentages.
Monday, 26 February 2018
Today my class and I did readworks for the middle block. My score was 43%. I found this kinda hard but i will improve my reading more.
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Readworks - Hire
For the middle block we did reading and we use this site called readworks.Readworks is a reading site online and some of their books can read to you like my book.After you read the book there will be questions that you have to answer.Today it was my second time using readworks and I got 43%.I found this difficult and I will improve by learning more.
DLO of adding with decimals.
Today for maths I did a dlo of adding with decimals. I found this easy because i just had to explain it and the question that i was solving was easy. If wanna take a closer look click here --------------->>> https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1IctycW1TiW3sQE86htgJ_FvWJjQ3MrOLiyoUMdaG3nU/edit
Monday, 19 February 2018
For the middle block we did reading and we use this site called readworks.Readworks is a reading site online and some of their books can read to you like my book.After you read the book there will be questions that you have to answer.Today it was my first time using readworks I got 14%.I found this difficult and I will improve by learning more.
Sunday, 18 February 2018
Collaborative Problem Solving
Today my class and I did Collaborative problem solving for maths. I found this easy because Indira explained it to us in a easy way so that's why I found it easy. If you cannot see please feel free to CLICK HERE
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Sunday, 11 February 2018
WALT: solve word problems by using the best strategy we know
Today in my class we did problem solving.I found this very easy because the answers were on the board.I did this with Mahaleah she was my partner and i found this very interesting.
Tuesday, 6 February 2018
WALT:Solve word problems by using the best strategy we know.
Today my class and I did Collaborative problem solving.I found this very easy because it was simple and easy.I learnt about how to solve how many lollies do each person has.
Prototec 7.2.18
Today for the morning session, my class and I did a prototec. As you can see I got 95% on Stage 6 timed. I found this pretty hard, but I know I can do better in the future as I proceed to learn more.I can improve by playing more math games, asking one of my family members for help or asking a friend.
Sunday, 4 February 2018
Understand why Maori & Pakeha wanted a treaty
Today Mahaleah and I made a dlo of Treaty of Waitangi. We found this easy.I found interesting learning about the Treaty of Waitangi. What I learned new is what happened while the Maori had good things back then.
Prototec 5/02/18
Today in my class we did Prototec.My score was 75% and it was on time I found this kinda easy.Because some answers was very easy and i already know it.Next time i do Prototec my score is too get 100%.
Thursday, 1 February 2018
The key competencies in room 6
Walt: Understand the key competencies and what they mean.
This week in room 6 we learnt about kcs.
The Kcs are T.R.U.M.P aka Thinking.Relating to others.Using language symbols and text.Managing self.Participating and contribute.
They are important because they help me in all my learning areas and behaviour. I know I have to change my behaviour so that is very important.
Using them in class will help!!!!!
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