Thursday, 29 June 2017

Authors Purpose Battleship skills in reading.

After lunch we went on Authors Purpose Battleship.I found this hard because I didn't knew some because I got confused on some of the question.Because they told us that some other questions.

Using algorithms in maths.

Today in my class we did maths as Collaborative Problem solving.We had 3 questions, they were 8 x 7,  96 x 8 , and 12.5 x 8. We did 96 x 8 using algorithms.We picked algorithms because it was more faster to use. I did this DLO with my friend we both did half.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

How to find Mean,Median,Mode,Range.........

Today I did how to find Mean,Median,Mode,Range.. I found this easy because I already knew what to do....

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Authors Purpose Game

After inference reading I did this with my friend Sarah. Sarah was player one and I was player two.The game was Author's Purpose game they will give you a story and you have to see if it was Inform or Persuade and Entertain. After you choose the question you have to summit and see if it is right.I found it easy because I already knew some question but I still won.

Detective Game

Today I have done an inference game in my class. I found this pretty hard because I didn't know some of the question. Thanks to my buddy I got to understand it and got to know them better. 

Prototec Basic Facts 220617

Today in class I did a prototec practise test and I was so happy because I scored 100% on Stage 6. Next time I would have to be on stage 7. I found this very easy because I knew some of the question I knew off by heart.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017



Today I did Kahoot. I came 3rd place I found it easy because the question was about Mean,Median,Mode and Range. What does Mean means? The sum of a group of numbers, are in the group. You have to add up all the numbers then divide by how many numbers there are.What does Median mean? The Median is the middle of a sorted list of number.Put the numbers in order from smallest to largest.Find the number in the middle.If you have two numbers in the middle, add them together and divide them by 2. What does Mode means?To find the mode, or modal value, first A number that appears the most is Mode.Put the numbers in order from smallest to largest.Count how many of each number.Find the number that appears the most.What does Range means? The Range is the difference between the lowest and highest number.Find the largest number.Find the smallest number.Subtract the largest number by the smallest number.  


Today in my class I did prototec. I scored 77% on stage 7 I found it hard because there was some hard question. I have to learn some of my fraction and percentages.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Equivalent fraction

Today on this game called equivalent fraction I scored 100% in level 3.I found this hard because I did know some question.Also I was confused on some question.

Prototec 20 June 2017.........

Today in maths I did Prototec. I score 100% on stage 6.I found it easy because I knew it. 

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Protect 12 June

I found it kind of hard because i didn't know some question and my score was 85% on stage 7.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

DLO - Collaborative Problem solving

Today I did a DLO on a multiplication problem. I found it easy cause I used a easy stragety the name is called using my 5x tables.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

DLO - Explanation quiz

Today I did a a DLO how I went on my quiz. I answered some of the questions but some I got wrong. My score was 1,352.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Collaborative Problem solving

Today we did DLO on problem solving. I found easy because I used algorithm.